
Pasta Bolognese

Vorbereitungszeit 15 Minuten
Zubereitungszeit 45 Minuten
Gericht Hauptgericht
Küche Italienisch
Portionen 2 Persons


1. Meat

  • 150 g Ground beef

2. Vegetables

  • 80 g Carrot
  • 50 g Onion
  • 400 g Crushed tomatos
  • 70 g Tomato paste

3. Others

  • 100 ml Red wine
  • 250 ml Vegetable broth
  • pinch of Salt
  • pinch of Pepper
  • pinch of Oregano
  • 350 g Pasta
  • Parmesan cheese


1. Sauce

  • Heat some oil in a deep pan or a big pot. Sear the ground beef. Then take it out and set aside. Cut the carrot and the onion very finely. Heat some more oil and sear the carrots and onions. Ad the meat back in, heat up and deglaze with the red wine. Let the wine evaporate nearly fully, then ad the tomatoes, vegetable broth and the tomato paste. Stir up and let simmer for about 30 minutes.
    Season with pepper, salt and oregano.

2. Pasta and prepare

  • Cook your pasta according to package instructions. Put the noodles in a bowl, place the sauce on top and garnish with parmesan cheese. Enjoy!
Keyword Pasta

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