Chicken summerroll


Vorbereitungszeit 25 Minuten
Zubereitungszeit 10 Minuten
Gericht Kleinigkeit
Portionen 2 Personen


1. Meat

  • 200 g Chicken breast

2. Vegetables

  • 60 g Cucumber
  • 60 g Pepper
  • A few Leaves salad
  • 30 g Uncooked rice
  • 60 g Avocado
  • 60 g Carrot
  • 1 Lime

3. Others

  • 6 sheets Rice paper
  • Peanut sauce
  • 1 Egg
  • 80 g Panko
  • 20 g Wheat flour


1. Rice

  • Cook the rice according to package instructions.

2. Meat

  • Cut the chicken in small pieces. Season with salt and pepper. Then first toss them in the flour, then the egg and at last in the panko bread crumbs. Makes sure all sides are covered. Heat a good shot of oil in a pan and sear the chicken pieces on medium heat, until they are golden brown and crispy.

3. Prepare Vegetables

  • Cut the cucumber, pepper, carrot, salad and avocado in fine slices. The finer they are, all the easier is rolling the summer roll later.

4. Assembling

  • Get a plate and put some water on it. Take your sheet of rice paper and soak it for about 5 seconds in the water. Then put it on a dry plate. Put your fillings (chicken, rice, vegetables) in the lower third of the paper. Don´t use to much filling and leave a small edge to the sides , otherwise it may be not possible to close the roll. You can use the juice of the lime and drip a little bit over the filling bevor closing the roll. That gives it a fresh kick.
    Now fold the left and right sides to the middle over the filling and roll everything up starting from the bottom. Now you should have a one piece summer roll.
    Dip it into the peanut sauce or a soy sauce and enjoy!

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