Rhubarb cake with vanilla cream

Rhubarb cake with vanilla cream topping

Vorbereitungszeit 20 Minuten
Zubereitungszeit 15 Minuten
Chill time 3 Stunden
Gericht Nachspeise
Portionen 4 Persons


1. Cake

  • 65 g Wheat flour
  • 40 g Butter
  • 80 g Sugar
  • 3 g Vanilla sugar
  • 1 whole Eg
  • pinch of salt
  • leveled TL Baking powder
  • 1 EL Milk
  • 300 g Rhubarb

2. Vanilla topping

  • 150 ml whipped cream
  • 250 g Vanilla pudding
  • 8 g Cream stiffener


1. Baking

  • Mix the slightly warm butter with the sugar, vanilla sugar, salt and the eg.
    Then ad the flour, baking powder and milk. Mix again, until you reach a homogeneous consistency.
    Peel the rhubarb, cut in small pieces and mix it carefully in the cake batter with a spatula. Put your baking dish onto a baking tray. I am using small, round baking dishes, so i get 4 little cakes out of it. U also could bake in a rectangular baking dish and afterwards cut round pieces out of it. Fill your batter in and put in the oven.
    Bake at 180° for about 15 minutes. Take out of the oven when light brown. Let them cool down fully bevor adding the cream later on.

2. Vanilla cream

  • This is a very basic recipe for a vanilla cream. But we want this to be a dish, that easy to make, even for a beginner.
    Just mix the whipped cream and ad the cream stiffener. Then fold the vanilla pudding under the whipped cream with a spatula. Make sure to do this carefully and don´t stir to much, because the whipped cream will break down.
    When your cake is cooled down, ad the vanilla cream on top. Let it cool in the fridge for at least one hour. Garnish at will, raspberrys fit very well to the sourness of the rhubarb. Enjoy!
Keyword Cake, Rhubarb, Vanilla

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