Homestyle Burger

Homestyle Burger with baked potaoes

Vorbereitungszeit 35 Minuten
Zubereitungszeit 15 Minuten
Rising time 2 Stunden
Gericht Hauptgericht
Portionen 4 Persons


1. Meat

  • 500 g Ground beef

2. Buns

  • 100 ml Lukewarm water
  • 21 g Fresh yeast
  • 40 g soft butter
  • 15 g Sugar
  • 250 g Wheat flour 550
  • 2 EL Warm milk
  • 1 whole Eg

3. Sauce

  • 200 g Creme fraiche cheese
  • pinch of Salt
  • pinch of Pepper
  • pinch of Paprika powder
  • 2 TL Lemon juice
  • 1 EL Pickle water

4. Potatoes

  • 600 g Potatoes
  • 3 EL Oil
  • pinch of Salt
  • pinch of Pepper
  • pinch of Rosemary

5. Topping

  • 8 slices Bacon
  • 1 big Tomato
  • a few Leaves salad
  • 4 slices Chees
  • 1 big Onion
  • whatever you like on your Burger


1. Buns

  • Mix the Water with the sugar, milk and the yeast. Let sit for 5 minutes, so the yeast can activate. Ad Salt, flour, eg and the butter. Mix until the dough has a homogeneous consistency. The dough now needs to raise for one hour.
    After that, divide the dough in 4 equal portions, form a ball and then press them flat to about 8cm diameter. Put the dough blanks on a baking sheet and let them raise again for at least 1 hour. Mix 1 Eg with 1 EL water and 1 EL milk. Both should be room temperature. Coat the buns carefully with this mixture and put them in the oven. If you want, sprinkle some roasted sesame on top before.
    Bake them on two sided heat for about 15 minutes, until they are light brown.

2. Sauce

  • Mix the creme fraiche cheese with the pickle water, lemon juice, salt, pepper and paprika powder. It´s a very simple sauce, but the fat and creamy consistency ads very good to the Burger.

3. Potatoes

  • Wash the potatoes and cut them in half. Put them in a baking dish, marinate with oil, salt, pepper, paprika powder and rosemary. Put in the oven for about 30 minutes at 180°.

4. Prepare

  • Sear the bacon, caramelize the onions in some butter on low heat. Wash your vegetables and cut them. Halve the buns and toast them. Stack the buns with your toppings and enjoy.
Keyword Baked potatoes, Burger

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