Iberico Loin with mashed sweet potatoes

Iberico Loin

Mashed sweet potatos, green asparagus, red wine sauce
Vorbereitungszeit 25 Minuten
Zubereitungszeit 35 Minuten
Gericht Hauptgericht
Portionen 2 Personen



  • 600 g Iberico loin
  • 1 Beef shank


  • 450 g Sweet potato
  • 4 medium size Mushrooms
  • 80 g Carrot
  • 80 g Celery
  • 60 g Onion


  • A branch Thyme


  • 150 ml Red wine
  • 300 ml vegetable broth
  • 50 g Butter
  • 50 ml Milk
  • pinch of Salt
  • pinch of Pepper
  • pinch of Nutmeg
  • 1 EL Oil


  • 1 EL dried rose petals


1. Start the sauce

  • For the sauce we need to cut our carrot, celery and onion into pieces, 5×5 cm are okay. Then we heat a little bit of oil in a deep pan or a pot. Put the Beef shank in and roast it from each site, till get gets a nice brown color. Take it out of the pan, at the vegetables and roast them as well. Ad the beef back again, heat it up and add the red wine. Now let it simmer, until the wine is mostly evaporated. Now add half our vegetable stock and let it reduce. When the liquid is nearly gone, at the rest of the stock. Let it simmer for a few more minutes till the amount of sauce you want is reached. Strain the sauce through a filter, so that the vegetables and beef stay back. Do not forget to put a bowl under your strainer, we need to keep the liquid! Now ad the sauce stock back in your pan, bring it to a light boil and ad sauce thickener until you reach your wanted consistency. Season with salt, pepper, thyme and lovage. Sauce done!

2. Preparing Potatos

  • We start by peeling and cutting our sweet potato in small pieces, round about 4x4cm big. We just want the potato to get soft fast, no problem if it gets soggy as we want to mash them anyway. Put the potato cubes in a pot, cover with water and bring to a boil. Let them cook for about 20 minutes till they are soft, so you can mash them with a spoon. Pour of most of the water left in the pot.
    Now mash the potatos as fine as you can and ad a little bit of milk aswell as the butter. If you like it a little bit more creamy, ad more milk. If you want a more thicker consistency, use les milk. Mashed potatos done!

3. Prepare the meat

  • The Iberico loin is to relatively easy to cook. Because it is still attached to the bone, it will stay juicy and tender, even when cooked a few seconds longer than needed. I can recommend using a sous vide stick to bring the meat to its perfect core temperature, but you can easely achieve a good result with a normal pan.
Keyword asparagus, dinner, Iberico, Pork, sweet potato

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