Lasagna with green salad

Lasagna with green salad

Vorbereitungszeit 25 Minuten
Zubereitungszeit 40 Minuten
Gericht Hauptgericht
Küche Italienisch
Portionen 4 Persons


  • 1 Casserole dish


1. Meat

  • 500 g Minced meat can be beef, lamb, pork, mixed….whatever you like

2. Vegetables

  • 80 g Onion
  • 90 g Carrot

3. Sauce Bolognes

  • 1000 g Caned tomatoes
  • 60 g Tomato paste
  • 1 EL Oregano
  • pinch of Salt
  • pinch of Pepper
  • pinch of Sugar
  • 1 EL Lovage
  • 5 Leaves Basil
  • 100 ml Red wine
  • 200 ml Vegetable broth

4. Sauce Béchamel

  • 50 g Butter
  • 50 g Wheat flour
  • 1000 ml Milk
  • pinch of Nutmeg
  • pinch of Pepper
  • pinch of Salt

5. Salad

  • 3 EL Olive Oil
  • 3 EL Water
  • 1 TL Mustard
  • 3 EL Vinegar
  • pinch of salt
  • pinch of sugar
  • Bag of Green salad of your choice
  • 4 Tomatoes
  • 20 g Cashews could also be walnuts, hazelnuts,pecans…

6. Others

  • 3 EL Oil so that nothing sticks
  • 24 Sheets Dry lasagna pasta sheets Depends on size and shape of your casserole dish. Normally sold in 500g boxes, thats more than enough
  • 500 g Grated gouda or mozzarella cheese


1. Sauce Bolognese

  • We start with finely cutting the carrot and the onion. Then we heat up a little bit of oil in a deep pan or pot. When the oil reached temperature, we braise the vegetables until they are glassy. We take them out of the pan and ad our minced meat. Sear the meat until its fully cooked and has a nice color. Mix the minced meat and the vegetables, turn up the heat and deglaze with the red wine. Let the red wine reduce. Now ad the vegetable broth and the caned tomatoes. Stir and let simmer for a few minutes. Then ad the tomato paste, lovage, oregano, salt and pepper and a little bit of sugar. Mix everything up and let the sauce sit for a few minutes. Sauce Bolognese done!

2. Sauce Béchamel

  • Melt the Butter in a pot. When the butter is melted, ad the flour while stirring and mix until thickened. Now ad the milk in little steps while continue stirring and bring the liquid to a boil. Now the sauce should get creamy. Pay attention to also stir on the bottom of the pot, otherwise it could burn. Ad salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. Sauce Béchamel done!

3. Building the Lasagna

  • Get yourself a casserole, mine is 25cm x 32cm. Brush every corner with a little bit of oil to avoid sticking. Fill the bottom with a few spoons of your Bolognese Sauce and spread it. Now ad your first layer of pasta. Most of the sheets will fit without problem, but depending on the shape of your casserole, you might need to break the sheets in smaller pieces. On this layer of pasta, ad your bolognese sauce until everything is covered in a thin layer. On top, spread your Béchamel sauce. Sprinkle a thin layer of cheese, then start over with the next layer of pasta sheets. Then Bolognese Sauce, Béchamel Sauce, cheese….
    Repeat this, till you sauce is empty. Because you started with the Bolognese sauce, it should be empty first. So make sure, your top layer is Sauce and not pasta. The top should be covered in a layer of Béchamel sauce. Last ad a good amount of cheese and spread it out. Lasagna done!
    Just put it in the oven at about 180° for the first 30 minutes, then you can set the oven to 200° for additional 5-10 minutes until the top is brown and crispy. How long this exactly takes depends on your oven, so make sure to have a look every few minutes.

4. Salad

  • While the Lasagna is backing, we use the time to make a fresh salad.
    Mix Water, Oil, Vinegar, Mustard and the spices. Clean the salad and cut the tomatoes in small pieces. Mix Salad, Nuts and Tomatoes, serve with the dressing.
    By now your Lasagne should be ready. Well done, enjoy!
Keyword Casserole, Lasagna, Lasagne, Pasta

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