Wiener Schnitzel

Wiener Schnitzel with potato salad

Gericht Hauptgericht
Küche German
Portionen 2 Persons


1. Meat

  • 4 2cm thick slices Pork loin

2. Salad

  • 600 g Potatos
  • 80 g Bacon cubes
  • 60 g Onion
  • 3 EL Oil
  • 2 EL Vinegar
  • 5 EL Water
  • 1 TL Vegetable broth
  • pinch of Salt
  • pinch of Pepper

3. Others

  • 100 g Breadcrumbs
  • 2 Eggs
  • 40 g Flour


1. Potato salad

  • Cook the potatoes until they are soft. Let them cool down fully.
    Cut the onion in fine cubes. Sear the bacon and the onion. Cut the potatoes in slices. Mix the oil, vinegar, water, vegetable broth and season with salt and pepper. Put the potatoes in a container and cover them with the dressing. Let sit for a few

2. Schnitzel

  • Thin out the meat with the meat tenderizer or a pan by beating it. Season with salt and pepper on both sides. Then first toss the meat in the flour with both sides, then the egg and last but not least in the bread crumbs. Heat a good amount of high heat oil in a pan on medium heat and put the schnitzel in. It should slightly float. Rotate the pan carefully so the schnitzel does not stick and create bubbles on the crust. When both sides are brown and crispy, take it out of the pan.
Keyword Potato salad, Schnitzel

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