
Spareribs with fried potatoes

Vorbereitungszeit 20 Minuten
Zubereitungszeit 5 Stunden
Gericht Hauptgericht
Portionen 4 Persons


  • Sous vide stick


1. Meat

  • 1500 g Ribs

2. Marinade

  • 15 EL BBQ sauce
  • 2 EL Lime Juice
  • 1 EL Honey
  • pinch of Thyme
  • pinch of Salt
  • pinch of Pepper
  • pinch of Smoked paprika powder

3. Fried Potatoes

  • 1200 g Potatoes
  • 120 g Bacon cubes
  • 100 g Onion
  • pinch of Salt
  • pinch of Pepper
  • 2 EL Oil

4. Others

  • 2 Corn on the cob
  • 12 pieces Green asparagus
  • 2 EL Butter


1. Marinade

  • This recipe might be an easy one sauce wise, but you will need some Equipment. This means a sous vide stick. With this, we can cook the ribs for a few hours on consistent heat and make them tender.
    Mix the Barbeque sauce with the lime juice, honey and spices. Spread on both sides of the ribs, then put them in vacuum bags and vacuum seal them. The fast Methode is at 75° for at least 5 hours. The long version is at 60° for at least 18 hours. The longer and slower they cook, all the better they get. Put the sealed bags in the tempered water and let them sit. When they are ready, get the ribs out the bag and put them in the pan or the grill to sear. You can ad some of the sauce again just before they are done, so that the sugar can caramelize.

2. Fried potatoes

  • Boil the potatoes with the skin. When they are soft boiled, take them out of the water and let them cool fully. They need to be cold, so they don´t fall apart so much when frying. Cut them into slices, about 1 centimeter big.
    Put the bacon cubes in the pan and roast them until they are crispy. Also sear the onions in the pan with some butter. Get both out the pan and set aside.
    Heat a good portion of oil in a big pan. When the oil is hot, put the potatoes in. Pay attention that the slices don´t cover each other. Fry them until they have a nice brown color. Flip the slices at time, but be careful to not move them to much. They need time and rest to build a crust. Also don´t drop the heat to cold, because they will stick. When the potatoes are ready, season with salt and pepper and ad the onions and the bacon cubes.

3. Others

  • Half the corn on the cobs and put them in the pan with some butter. Slightly roast and warm them up. Also sear the green asparagus with some butter, than season with salt and pepper.
    Everything done. Enjoy!
Keyword fried potatoe, sous vide, Sparerib

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