

Portionen 2 Persons


1. Batter

  • 120 ml Milk
  • 2 Egs
  • 1,5 TL Backing powder
  • 1 EL Sugar
  • 2 TL Vanilla Sugar
  • 150 g Wheat flour
  • pinch of Salt

2. Toppings

  • 1 Banana
  • 150g Strawberries
  • 1 Kiwi
  • 150 ml Vanilla Sauce
  • 4 EL Chocolate drops


1. Pancake batter

  • Separate the egg white and the yolk in two different containers. Stir the egg whites until it becomes fluffy. Mix the egg yolk with the flour, sugar, salt, milk, baking powder and vanilla sugar. Carefully mix the fluffy egg white in.
    Heat a pan and melt some butter. Place about 3 EL of your batter in the pan for one pancake. Let it bake for about a minute, then turn it with a spatula. Do not turn the heat to high so the pancake can properly cook through. Take out of the pan when light brown on both sites. Repeat with the rest of the batter.

2. Topp it

  • Cut the banana, the strawberries and the kiwi. If you like other fruits and toppings, prepare them as well. Plate your pancakes and topp of with your fruits, sweets and the sauce. Enjoy!

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